Thursday, January 29, 2009

Orientation, Enrollment, and the Slug and Lettuce

Today (or rather yesterday, as it's after midnight right now) was my first full day at Kingston. As in, I woke up in Kingston and spent nearly the entire day on or near the university campus. It was Orientation for International Students, so I received the opportunity to meet everyone who was studying abroad or exchanging from a different country. There were many countries represented--Finland, Sweden, Spain, Camaroon, Venezuela, and India, to name some--but oddly, most of the people that I got a chance to talk to were American. It wasn't for lack of trying; rather, I would introduce myself to someone, then inwardly snap my fingers when he or she responded with an American accent.
Besides two informative lectures that we had to attend, we were given guided tours around Kingston, treated to a bagged lunch, officially enrolled in the college, and received our class schedules--or "timetables," as they are called here. I am taking all the courses that I wanted, which I am incredibly pleased about, and am planning to go shopping around Kingston tomorrow (later today) after I get finished with a guided tour around London. I'll make sure to post details.

The highlight of the day was definitely the welcome reception, which took place in a pub on the riverfront called the Slug and Lettuce. Yes, odd name, isn't it? The pub was crowded, what with so many international students squeezed inside, but we were all given the chance to relax, mingle, and learn more about one another. I've already befriended quite a few, and hoping to add more come tomorrow (later today). Admittedly, some took advantage of the lower drinking age (you're allowed to drink at age 18) and imbibed a little too much, but I was not one of them. I was a little too concerned with trying to find my way home on the bus system afterwards (for the first time), and there was no way I was going to try navigation under the influence, even slightly.
Sorry I'm not in the picture, but as I said, it was a little crazy in the pub. To compensate, maybe tomorrow (today) I'll post a one-time picture of the waist-high pole that I ran into my first full day at Kingston! Yes, it was a momentous event. I tell you, you take your eyes away for one moment, and before you know it, you're tripping over an obviously visible post in front of fifty other people.

1 comment:

  1. I can just picture you running into a pole. Maybe because I've seen you do it before! Hehe.
