Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Counting Down the Days

It's official...I am leaving for Kingston in less than a week's time. This time next week, I will be at my residence in England, most likely preparing for orientation and class registration. I have to admit, it still seems unreal. It felt more real at the beginning of the month, when all of my friends were returning to college and leaving me behind :(.

I had a bit of a scare this morning. Dad handed the phone to me, saying that it was someone from Northwest Airlines about my flight. Now, I am the type of person who wants every single detail planned out weeks in advance. I was terrified that the guy--who had a bit of a strong accent--was going to tell me that my flight had been cancelled or delayed a day, which would mean that I would arrive a day late, missing Kingston's meet and greet program.

Fortunately, the call was not about my flight next Tuesday, but about my return flight in June. He informed me that the flight had been moved ahead an hour, so at least it wasn't a big change. Even so, the entire idea made me apprehensive about last-minute changes before my departure. I will be very relieved when all the travel time is over with. Then, I'll probably have other things to worry about.

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