Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Lazy List

I know I haven't updated for a couple days and to be frank, I'm not feeling overly ambitious right now. Because of my laziness, I've decided to post a list of sorts, just general information about me, my family, and random other stuff that I may not have mentioned in any of my posts yet.

1.) Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour.
2.) I am an English major at Grand Valley State University and, before anyone asks, I am not going into teaching with my major. I tried taking an education course last year, and I think I can safely promise that it was the last Ed course I'll ever take. Instead, I want to break into the publishing world, whether as a writer or as an editor.
3.) I am an avid reader. Not only do I love to discover new books and authors, but I reread books like there is no tomorrow. I read my favorite book, Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, at least twice a year.
4.) I have two older siblings. Michele is married to Chris, and they have a daughter, Avery, and another baby on the way (Michele just publicly posted this on her own blog, so I don't feel guilty spreading the news on mine). My brother, Sean, is ten years older than me and will be turning 30 this March. Unfortunately, I will be in England during this time, and having to miss his birthday is one of my biggest regrets about studying abroad.
5.) I also have a twin sister, Jennifer. She will be studying in France while I'm in England, and it will be the first time that we've been apart for over a week.
6.) My most prized possession is the ruby birthstone ring that I wear on my left ring finger. I consider it as my "purity promise" or "True Love Waits" ring, and I rarely take it off.
7.) If possible, one of the things I want to bring back from England accent. Not a fake one, but I would love it if I could genuinely acquire a slight British lilt.
8.) I truly believe that the friends I make in college are the friends I'll keep for life...I'm anticipating a lot of laughs.
9.) One of my favorite TV shows is Top Chef on Bravo. Unfortunately, whenever I watch it I tend to become hungry and to feel an urge to cook. Since the show doesn't come on until 10 at night, this can sometimes be a problem.
10.) My favorite books are usually my favorite movies as well: Pride and Prejudice (A&E), The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, and Jane Eyre. Probably the only exception to this pattern is Eragon and the Inheritance Cycle. I love the books, but I hated the movie.

So, there you have it: 10 random things about me, probably the most random and obscure list that you have ever read.

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