Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Truly Appalling Tastes

This post has been a long time in coming, but I wanted to make sure to get a picture. I knew no one back in Michigan would quite believe me otherwise.

One of the oddest culture shocks I've received in England hasn't been the difference in driving on the roads or the accents all around; I was most amazed by the--shall we say unique--flavors of the chips here (or "crisps"). The big brand for crisps is named "Walkers," and it shares a logo peculiarly similar to that of Lays Potato Chips.

Some of the flavors taste pretty good; I'd never been much for salt-and-vinegar flavored crisps before, yet I've found them pretty addicting. They've also got "ready salted," which is like original flavored chips and "cheddar-and-onion." The last one is probably my favorite, but my breath afterwards would probably singe nose hairs.

Those are the relatively ordinary flavors. Now on to the appalling ones. Would you believe they have "prawn cocktail?'' Or how about "Roast chicken?'' "Builder's breakfast?'' Does any of these sound appetizing to you, because they sound pretty disgusting to me! From what's featured on the back of the crisp bags, I guess Walker's must be in the midst of a flavor contest. They released several new flavors and people have to vote on the one they like the best. Now let me see, which would I choose--Crispy Duck & Hoisin or Fish & Chips? And that's not even the most disgusting-sounding flavor. You want to know what is?
Cajun Squirrel... O_O ...
There are just no words.

1 comment:

  1. know, I love chips. But, I think I might have to draw the line at squirrel. On the other hand, they have "crab chips" in North Carolina, and I loved them!
